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hotels, motels, corporate housing, B&B’s, and resort rooms & lobbies all in Austin and the surrounding Texas Hill Country

Preview our Celebrate Austin Book by viewing

the digital version of our recent Celebrate Austin Book 


30 Million

people visit Austin each year!

Distribution Facts:

Celebrate Austin is known for our wide distribution! We send our Celebrate Austin Book and deliver Pocket Guides to Austin’s most popular hotels, lodges, and corporate buildings to guarantee real-buyers visit your business as soon as they check-in at their hotels!

A bunch of brochures are laying out on the table


Celebrate Austin is in hotel rooms 24/7 and 365, requiring no subscription and guaranteeing readership!


As members of various Chambers, Celebrate Austin Publications opens the door for networking opportunities.

Community Involvement

The Celebrate Austin team remains active in the community by volunteering and visiting our partners regularly!


Celebrate Austin provides our partners with real data from our Austin visitors using unique surveys.

A Relocation Guide

The Celebrate Austin Book is the premier guide for people relocating to Austin. We provide Celebrate Austin to realtors, educational facilities, and employers at no cost to make relocation seamless.

Our reader response cards from locals and tourists shared that:

Are From Texas or SW


Are Relocating to ATX


Are Here on Leisure


Ate at a Restaurant


Went shopping


Bought Gifts or Souvenirs


Bought Books


Bought Clothes


Bought Jewelry


And they all want to see more information about businesses like yours! 

Why advertise with Celebrate Austin?

Our print advertisement is displayed in the hotel room year-round.

We are partnered with Austin’s major hotel rooms, including Hilton, Omni, as well as many boutique hotels, lodges, and private homes.

We’re family-owned and locally-grown since 1989 with 50% of our staff being born-and-raised in Austin, Texas!

Austin City Limits (ACL) cumulative economic impact on Austin metro area was roughly $450 million in 2023.

Direct visitor spending injected onto Austin-area businesses during COTA events was $423 million.

Annual payroll for Austin-area workers attributable to COTA’s annual activities and operators $306 million.

Economic impact attributed directly to COTA operators was $166 million.

The University of Texas -Austin football team typically generate around $63 million per home game.